2024 Community Health Fair Sponsorship

Dear Valued Sponsors and Community Participants,  

We would like to extend a warm invitation to you to join us at our 2024 Health Fair held annually. This year we will gather to support our community’s health and wellness.  As you are aware, we work predominantly with seniors, refugees, and immigrants, particularly low- incomed clients with no health insurance coverage.

It is a wonderful opportunity to meet our community members and become familiar with the type of resources we offer to our clients. 

A link to the RSVP form with the sponsorship levels and rental booth information is provided below. We look forward to having you as a contributor and key patron for our event. Consider a sponsorship, ad, or rent a space to support the important work that we do throughout the year. We can also provide a customized sponsorship tailored just for you.  Just ask us. 

We look forward to your participation and support at our Health Fair this year.  

Sincere Regards,

Shirley Gee, Chief Executive Officer

RSVP Sponsorship Form Download
Please download the document and email the completed form to info@vacceb.org